Voted as the best book ever about the Hermitage by the board of Directors of the Hermitage in 2007.
560 page monumental hardcover monograph on what is arguably the most opulent and extensive museums in the world. Texts are in Spanish, with thousands of full color photographs of views of the architecture of the museum and photographic reproductions of the staggering richness of the collections housed there. Bound in cream colored cloth.
The book has a paper cover.
Kieli: espanja.
Kirjassa on erillinen paperikansi. Eremitaasin johtokunta on vuonna 2007 valinnut tämän kirjan parhaaksi koskaan julkaistuksi kirjaksi Eremitaasista.
Альбом об Эрмитаже знакомит вас с великолепными залами и прославленными шедеврами всемирно известного музея.
Albom ob Ermitazhe znakomit vas s velikolepnymi zalami i proslavlennymi shedevrami vsemirno izvestnogo muzeja.