Includes sections on Submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), other missile systems (naval cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles) and the design bureaus developing these systems, air defense systems, naval gun design, torpedoes, mines and anti-mine systems. ASW and EW systems, sonar equipment, electronics (including r&d and testing systems), radio communication and NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) detection and protection systems. Parallel Russian/English text.
265 образцов вооружения и военной техники;
35 предприятий и организаций оборонного комплекса;
1039 иллюстраций.
Иванов Сергей (под ред.).
265 obraztsov vooruzhenija i voennoj tekhniki;
35 predprijatij i organizatsij oboronnogo kompleksa;
1039 illjustratsij.
Ivanov Sergej (pod red.).