Methodical workshop. Lesson examples for Russian as a foreign language
This teacher's book presents examples of practical lessons in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It is divided into six chapters: phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, phrasing, reading of literature texts, speaking. These are the main aspects of the practical Russian course. The book is of interest for the teachers of Russian as a foreign language who teach the students of the basic language level (levels I -IV and also A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2). Each chapter contains detailed comments concerning the organization of the learning material and the ways of its presentation. Some difficult topics of the modern Russian grammar can be found in this book. Practical advice on how the teachers can present this kind of material can be very useful for both the teachers and the students.
Metodinen työpaja. Tuntiesimerkkejä venäjänopetukseen
Esimerkkejä keskitason tunneille, hyvät kommentit materiaalin ja tehtävien valintaan.
В пособии представлены образцы уроков по различным аспектам практического курса русского языка как иностранного. Каждый урок содержит подробный комментарий к отбору и организации необходимого учебного материала и способам его презентации. Книга адресована преподавателям русского языка как иностранного и всем интересующимся обучением русскому языку как средству общения.
V posobii predstavleny obraztsy urokov po razlichnym aspektam prakticheskogo kursa russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo. Kazhdyj urok soderzhit podrobnyj kommentarij k otboru i organizatsii neobkhodimogo uchebnogo materiala i sposobam ego prezentatsii. Kniga adresovana prepodavateljam russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo i vsem interesujuschimsja obucheniem russkomu jazyku kak sredstvu obschenija.