From the history of the Russian culture: for the foreigners who study Russian as a foreign language.
This reader acquaints foreign students with the most interesting and important facts of the Russian history and culture. The book includes 14 chapters. Each chapter consists of the texts and there are training exercises after and before the texts.
Some important aspects of the Russian life such as family, holidays, every-day life are described in the book. Besides there are chapters devoted to the development of the Russian culture (architecture, painting, music, theatre and cinema) from the ancient to modern times. The book is meant for the foreign students of humanitarian faculties. It is designed for those who have a good command of the Russian language (advanced level).
From the history of the Russian culture: for the foreigners who study Russian as a foreign language.
This reader acquaints foreign students with the most interesting and important facts of the Russian history and culture. The book includes 14 chapters. Each chapter consists of the texts and there are training exercises after and before the texts.
Some important aspects of the Russian life such as family, holidays, every-day life are described in the book. Besides there are chapters devoted to the development of the Russian culture (architecture, painting, music, theatre and cinema) from the ancient to modern times. The book is meant for the foreign students of humanitarian faculties. It is designed for those who have a good command of the Russian language (advanced level).
Задача пособия - познакомить иностранных студентов с некоторыми аспектами русской культуры со времен Древней Руси до наших дней (национальные традиции, архитектура, живопись, музыка, театр, кино) и вызвать интерес к ее дальнейшему, более глубокому изучению. При организации учебного материала авторы использовали два основных принципа: историко-хронологический и содержательно-тематический.
Пособие состоит из вводного раздела, 14 основных разделов и заключения. Каждый раздел содержит несколько текстов, связанных по содержанию, а также предтекстовые и послетекстовые задания, относящиеся ко всему разделу.
Пособие предназначено в первую очередь будущим гуманитариям, его тексты ориентированы на I сертификационный уровень общего владения русским языком.
Zadacha posobija - poznakomit inostrannykh studentov s nekotorymi aspektami russkoj kultury so vremen Drevnej Rusi do nashikh dnej (natsionalnye traditsii, arkhitektura, zhivopis, muzyka, teatr, kino) i vyzvat interes k ee dalnejshemu, bolee glubokomu izucheniju. Pri organizatsii uchebnogo materiala avtory ispolzovali dva osnovnykh printsipa: istoriko-khronologicheskij i soderzhatelno-tematicheskij.
Posobie sostoit iz vvodnogo razdela, 14 osnovnykh razdelov i zakljuchenija. Kazhdyj razdel soderzhit neskolko tekstov, svjazannykh po soderzhaniju, a takzhe predtekstovye i posletekstovye zadanija, otnosjaschiesja ko vsemu razdelu.
Posobie prednaznacheno v pervuju ochered buduschim gumanitarijam, ego teksty orientirovany na I sertifikatsionnyj uroven obschego vladenija russkim jazykom.