The Sonatinas for flute and piano refers to April, 1981 - the period of my graduation from the composition faculty, where I've studied at professor Boris Tishchenko. Unlike my diploma work, totally tutored...
One can judge the level of skills required for the performance of this piece by the fact that it was commissioned by the 1968 Tchaikovsky Competition. This purpose defined means and necessary technique,...
Заслуженный деятель искусств России Владислав Кладницкий (р. в 1932 году) получил образование в Омском музыкальном училище и Ленинградской консерватории. Среди сочинений композитора опера "Итальянские...
Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.Those...
Gennady Vavilov's piano music is truly considered to be the special page in his creative work: 16 sonatas, 14 piano suites, among them - the ones, based on the Karelian and the Finnish folk-lore - "Piirilejkki",...
Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.Those...
Заслуженный деятель искусств России Владислав Кладницкий (р. в 1932 году) получил образование в Омском музыкальном училище и Ленинградской консерватории. Среди сочинений композитора опера "Итальянские...
Евгений Федорович Казановский - композитор, дирижер, профессор Санкт-Петербургской консерватории и главный дирижер Ансамбля песни и пляски. Автор симфонии, вокально-симфонической музыки, романсов и песен,...
Этот мюзикл сочинен по мотивам доброй и поучительной русской народной сказки "Мешок с яблоками". На сюжет о том, какой должна быть истинная дружба и что такое настоящие друзья, написано целое представление...
Little March
Who's There?
Small Variation
Little Cloud
Theme With Variations
Rainy Morning
Melancholic Waltz
Виктор Викторович Козлов (р. 1958) - гитарист и композитор, заслуженный артист России, лауреат Международного конкурса, профессор и заведующий кафедрой народных инструментов Челябинского института музыки...
The compositions for trumpet, offered in this collection belong to the ones, peculiar for the instrumental music of the 19th century. Wilhelm Wurm (1826-1904), the soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre, professor...
The art of concertmaister. Basic repertoire compositions of a pianist-concertmeister. Learning aid for music higher educational establishments. Second year ( 1st semester).
Sydney Baynes. DESTINY. Waltz
Vladimir Davinhof. Herald. Waltz
Vasiliy Becker. FOREST TALE. Waltz
Alfons Czibulka. LA CHACONNE
Revising "La Divina Commedia" I used to ask myself the following questions. What was the reason of Dante to have lost Beatrice? What led him to loneliness, banishment and journey to the other world? The...
Igor Druch was (*1966) in St. Petersburg. Graduated from St. Petersburg Conservatoire. Attended the international mastercourses and seminars in Darmstadt (Paul-Heinz Dittrich), Berlin (Mark Kopytman),...
Mitkä tahansa maailmanlaajuiset, klassisen laulumusiikin vaikuttavimmat kokoelmat eivät tänä päivänä palvele ainoastaan laulutaiteen mestareita, jotka haluavat laajentaa repertuaariaan, vaan laulukokoelmien...
Aleksandr Popov laati vuonna 1989 partituurin pianon ja tahtimittarin avulla, josta muodostui neljän varhaissoittimen kokoonpanon rekviemi. Ensi-ilta järjestettiin vuonna 1993 Musiikillinen kevät Pietarissa...
Näitä lempeitä lauluja on helppo kuunnella ja helppo muistaa melkein ensimmäisestä kerrasta lähtien. Niistä kuuluu kansanmusiikki: intonaatiossa, rytmissä, leikki- ja tanssielementtien yhdistämisessä....
Merkittävä pietarilainen säveltäjä Vladislav Uspenskij on usein liittänyt hengellisiä tekstejä omiin teoksiinsa. Hänen liturgiset sävellyksensä ovat täynnä syvää uskonnollista tunnetta ja herättävät eloon...
Music for rhythmics
This edition is addressed to the music directors of kindergartens and to the accompanists, working with rhythmics' teachers. These are light arrangements of classical and pop pieces...
Музыкально-двигательные фантазии включены в раздел "Пляски, игры, хороводы" программы музыкального воспитания детей "Ладушки". Данный материал может быть использован как музыкальная релаксационная минутка...
В этом выпуске - две сказки. Первая повествует о том, как ребята пошли в лес, в гости к деду-леснику и заблудились. Найти же нужную тропинку помогают им разные звери, с которыми они встречаются на пути,...
G. F. Händel. Variations in A major
O. Riding. Concerto in B minor. 1st part
O. Riding. Concerto in B minor. 3d part
O. Riding. Concerto in G major. 1st part
F. Seits. Concerto in G major....
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symрhоnic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations...
The composer Sergei Nicolaevich Poddubny (born in 1954) lives in Petersburg. During the years of studying Poddubny got two qualifications - choral conducting at the Culture University and composition at...
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Korolyov (born in 1949) is one of the most original and diverse among the modern composers, graduate of the Petersburgian conservatoire, where he studied choir conducting and composition...
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations...
The "Preludes" (to Lamartine) is ranked among the summits of the symphonic роеm genre, so very significant for Franz Liszt (1811-1886). It was in 1844, when the "Preludes" music was conceived and partially...
The piece "Moira" appeared in 1995. The Greek word "Moira" itself means "lot, destiny, fate", which every person is given right at the moment of coming into being. The goddess of inevitability is called...
Пояснительная записка
Методические рекомендации
Начальный период
Учет успеваемости
Годовые требования в классе гитары ДШИ
Гаммы (таблица)
Требования знаний терминологии...
Kompozitor Roman Tigranovich Davydov (r. 1947) okonchil Gorkovskuju konservatoriju po klassu kompozitsii professora A. A. Nesterova. Odnim iz ljubimykh nastavnikov Davydova byl narodnyj artist SSSR A....
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading Russian composers. His works include actually all the genres from operas and symphonies to cinema sound tracks.
The cycle "Monologue...