The collection includes flute works, written at different times by the 20th century eminent Russian composer. In these compositions E. Denisov uses the technical and expressive capacities of the instrument...
Among Edison Denisov's works written for children, there are such films as "The Scarlet Flower" and "The Blue Cup", as well as the cartoon "Tortilla Turtle". Music for "The Kid and Karlsson-on-the-roof"...
Three Preludes is the latest piano work by an eminent Russian composer (1994). Each of the preludes stands out not only by its figurative content, but also by its particular manner of writing. At the same...
Эдисон Денисов и Сергей Слонимский - выдающиеся русские композиторы из плеяды новаторов, выдвинувшихся в 1950-60-е годы. Бoльшая часть их переписки относится к 1960-м - началу 1970-х годов, периоду "бури...
This cycle of seven piano miniatures was composed in 1960 and belongs to Denisov's early period. The pieces are vivid and spirited, their rhythmic and harmonic idiom is quite distinctive; at the same time...