Леонид Фиатович Резетдинов - автор многочисленных симфонических, камерно-вокальных хоровых произведений, опер, балетов, а также музыки к фильмам и спектаклям. Среди них - романс "Вот опять окно..." на...
Leonid Fiatovich Rezetdinov (born in 1961) is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor Boris Tishchenko up to 1985. In 1990 the composer conferred at the...
Leonid Rezetdinov's music has become known to me long ago. His compositional manner is distinct but not only for the artistic maturity. Rezetdinov has a command of skills, warmed by his creative temper...
The suite "Saint-Petersburg Nocturnes" by Leonid Rezetdinov belongs to the most interesting compositions about Saint-Petersburg. We enjoy Petersburg of Pushkin and Beliy, Shostakovich and Petrov, the city-museum,...
Leonid Rezetdinov (*1961) is a recognizable composer, whose style is rather versatile. Among his opuses are three symphonies, ballets "Andrey Rublyov" and "Phantastic Dances of the Dolls", symphonic phantasias...
Leonid Rezetdinov (b. 1961) is graduated from SPb Conservatoire where he studied composition under guidance of Maitre B. Tischenko in 1985. Since 1988 he is established composer, the member of Composers...