The lyrical piece A Fawn is based on the melody of an unpublished vocal composition (1962), which later was included in Alice in Wonderland (1994-2002). The melody in this laconic monophonic...
Marching and Dancing Two-Voice Textures are playful dance-like grotesque scenes, examples of 'playful polyphony'. Their musical development is distinguished by the prominent themes and bright...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A "Petersburger by nationality", he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A 'Petersburger by nationality', he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
Книга бесед, интервью, мыслей об искусстве и о его творцах (в музыке, поэзии, театре, кино) одного из выдающихся композиторов нашего времени - Александре Кнайфеле.
Издание включает уникальную, авторизованную...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A "Petersburger by nationality", he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A "Petersburger by nationality", he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
The tremulous sound coloring of the piece is created by the register, uncommonly high for the melody, and the continuous, single pedal. The transparent-sonorous sound quality is achieved by...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A 'Petersburger by nationality', he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A "Petersburger by nationality", he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
Александр Кнайфель (р.1943) - один изведущих современных композиторов. Его произведения исполняются на крупнейших международных фестивалях в Европе и Америке. В 1992 году состоялся первый монографический...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A 'Petersburger by nationality', he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...