TWO SCENES from the cartoon "Grandpa and grandson" (1950). Arranged for piano, for voice and piano by Ye. Isayenko
1. Tune. Lyrics by B. Laskin
2. Waltz
LEONID DESYATNIKOV born in 1955) is one of the most oroginal and widely performed among the Petersburgian composers. He is a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory and a member of the Composers Union....
This educational aid is called forth to enrich the repertoire of the ensemble class at school, where the lack of useful and worthwhile music is felt indeed.
Festive Overture Op. 96 was written by D. Shostakovich in 1947 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the October Revolution. The brilliant score and precision of expressive means together with the bravura...
Among Edison Denisov's works written for children, there are such films as "The Scarlet Flower" and "The Blue Cup", as well as the cartoon "Tortilla Turtle". Music for "The Kid and Karlsson-on-the-roof"...
Composer Zhao Xiaolin has studied in Minsk and St. Petersburg for many years. Combining the creation techniques of Russian academic music with the tunes of Chinese national music is one of the characteristics...
Эти тетрадки - для всех, кто занимается музыкой. Они помогут легко и весело выполнять задания по сольфеджио. А если возникнут сложности, то помощником ребенку сможет стать учебник Татьяны Первозванской...
The 6th edition of Musical Pearls includes dance pieces by composers from different countries, styles, eras.
Here are waltzes, marches, foxtrots, ragtime. Of great interest are three preludes by...
The superiority of Prokofiev - а genius screenwriter and piano notation reformer - expressed in three monumental sonatas of 1940-1944 (the Sixth, the Seventh and the Eighth). Не was second to попе of his...
This edition contains three pieces for cello and piano by renowned cello composers: Tarantella by A. Piatti, Caprice by J. Klengel and Hungarian Rhapsody by D. Popper. These works pose difficult musical...
Collected Works. Volume 13. Beatrice. Choreo-symphonic cycliade in five symphonies. After "La Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. For full orchestra. Orchestra score. Dante-symphony No 4, "And of that second...
The Virtuoso Pianist (Le Piano virtuose) by Charles-Louis Hanon, is a compilation of sixty exercises meant to train the pianist in speed, precision, agility, and strength of all of the fingers and flexibility...
This marvelous Concerto is an example of mature Mozart genius. It will benefit the repertoire of any piano player, from a student to an accomplished maestro. Being compact this Concerto contains all the...
Цикл из двенадцати миниатюр - вершина фортепианного творчества великого русского композитора Петра Ильича Чайковского (1840-1893). В них тесно переплетаются тончайшая лирика и живая изобразительность....
Piano works undoubtedly dominate in children's music written by S. Slonimsky.
In these pieces the author reflect the world of the modern child with its characteristic emotions, aspirations, observations...
Перефразируя знаменитые слова В. Белинского про театр, я могу спросить: "Любите ли вы джаз, как люблю его я?" Я люблю джаз всю свою, теперь уже могу сказать, долгую жизнь, семь десятков лет.
The sketches of the proposed edition of "The Cellist's Reader" contain the experience of many generations of cello masters. They comprehensively cover the elements...
This publication uses L. T. Atovmyan's arrangement for piano, that was released for the first time in 1945 by the Musical Fund (re-edited in 1954 by the Musical State Publishing House).
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) - is one of the greatest geniuses in the history of classical music. He does not fall into any style, though formally by his musis features it can be attributed to Wien...
Сергей Сергеевич Прокофьев (1891-1953), один из крупнейших композиторов XX века. Занимался композицией у Р. Глиэра. С 1904 года учился в Петербургской консерватории у Н. Римского-Корсакова по инструментовке,...
Первая соната для скрипки и фортепиано f-moll ор. 80 была закончена Сергеем Прокофьевым (1891-1953) двумя годами позднее Второй (ор. 94). Однако первоначальные эскизы сонаты f-moll приходятся по времени...
Collected Works. Series III. Works for solo instruments with orchestra or ensemble. Volume 15a. Concerto No. 2 for cello and orchestra. Score
The Alfred Schnittke Collected Works Edition is a joint project...
Сергей Сергеевич Прокофьев (1891-1953), один из крупнейших композиторов XX века. Занимался композицией у Р. Глиэра. С 1904 года учился в Петербургской консерватории у Н. Римского-Корсакова...
The music by Valery Gavrilin (1936-1999) has long ago and utmostly firmly entered the repertoire of theatres and concert halls. It may be heard in the films of cinema and TV, in radio programmes. Pop stars...
The genre of piano sonata is one of the most significant sphere in Alexander Skriabin's (1872-1915) creation. Twenty years lay between his First and Tenth Sonatas. It occured to be the age satiated with...
Сергей Сергеевич Прокофьев (1891-1953), один из крупнейших композиторов XX века. Занимался композицией у Р. Глиэра. С 1904 года учился в Петербургской консерватории у Н. Римского-Корсакова...
This collection is addressed to the students of junior, middle and senior forms of children music schools, schools of arts and aesthetic lyceums for to enlarge their repertoire at the piano ensemble class....
S. Taneyev. Aren't These but My Passions. Verses by Ya. Polonsky
M. Tariverdiev. I Like You Are not Hurt by Me. From the film "Fortune s Irony,
or Good Bathing to You "....
Sixty years passed since Aram Hachaturyan's "Album for Children" had undergone its publication in 1947. Several generations of musicians were bred. Actually every one of them got in touch with these little...
Nikolaj Grigorevich Tsymbalov rodilsja v 1936 godu na Stavropolschine, v sele Vesjolom Ipatovskogo rajona. Uchilsja v muzykalnom uchilische goroda Elisty (Kalmykija) na khorovom otdelenii, zatem v muzykalnom...
Талантливый скрипач и композитор Алоизий Людвиг Минкус, по национальности чех (по другим сведениям - поляк), родился в Вене, где и получил музыкальное образование. С 1853 года он жил в Петербурге, где...
Вторая часть "Диск-коллекции" посвящена отечественной музыке XX-XXI веков. Пособие представляет собой учебно-методический комплект, состоящий из книги и диска. В сжатом, лаконичном виде в книге разбирается...
Alexander Lazarevich Lokshin (1920-1987) is the author of 11 symphonies, mono-opera "Three Scenes from Goethe's Faust" (1980), cantata "Mater Dolorosa" (1977) to the verses from Anna Akhmatova's Requiem...