Is there any violinist, starting to his studies, who didn't ever dream of performing, what the "grown-ups" do? This dream spreads now to something, that his (or her) sister uses to croon; now to the broadcasted...
Nelli Berditchevskaia (born in 1942) is a violinist. She graduated from the Leningrad conservatoire in 1965. Her teachers were professors V. I. Sher, M. M. Komissarov, T. L. Fidler. She worked as a violinist...
The collection of six pieces for violin and piano is the album of pictures to H. Ch. Andersen's fairytale "The Flint". Witty brave soldier is endowed with dashing march-like melody (No 1), recognized also...
G. F. Händel. Variations in A major
O. Riding. Concerto in B minor. 1st part
O. Riding. Concerto in B minor. 3d part
O. Riding. Concerto in G major. 1st part
F. Seits. Concerto in G major....
Французский скрипач и композитор Жак-Фереоль Мазас (1782-1849), создатель опер и камерно-инструментальных сочинений, концертмейстер оркестра Итальянской оперы в Париже, остался в истории как автор инструктивных...
Ob Oskare Ridinge, kak kompozitore, chja tvorcheskaja dejatelnost prokhodila na rubezhe XIX i XX stoletij, pochti nichego ne izvestno. Emu prinadlezhit rjad sochinenij dlja skripki, sredi kotorykh vydeljaetsja...
Volume II
Delphin Alard
Etude No.37 for two violins
Etude No.38 for two violins
Hubert Leonard
Etude No.21 from Etudes Classiques, op.21