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Retro Music for Brass Quintet. Score and parts

Retro Music для брасс-квинтета. Партитура и партии
Retro Music for Brass Quintet. Score and parts
9.00 € 8.18 € veroton
Lähetetään 2 viikon sisällä tilauksesta
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Yuri Falik was born in 1936 in Odessa. He got his musical education at the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school. While studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities. Falik got his education in the cello class, directed by professor A. Ya. Strimer and by M. L. Rostropovich during the after graduate studying. In 1964 he graduated as a composer from the class of professor B. A. Arapov.
Among the composer's creations there is the opera-buffa "Scapen's Swindle" (after J.-B. Moliere), choreographic tragedy "Orestea" (after Aeshilles), three symphonies for string orchestra and percussian, "Kaddish", "Canto in memoria", Light Symphony, two Concertos for full symphony orchestra (to the legends about Till Eulenspiegel, "Symphonic Etudes"); "Vivat", overture for orchestra, Concerto for violin and orchestra, Concerto della Passione for cello and orchestra, Lyrical Concerto for viola and small symphony orchestra, Chamber Concerto for three flutes (one performer) and Strings, Concerto for hautboy and chamber orchestra, Concertino for bassoon and strings, Mass for soloists, choir and chamber orchestra; "Ringaday", vocal-symphonic cycle for mezzo soprano and full symphony orchestra to the verses by the Russian poets of the 20th century's beginning; Chamber Cantata "Praying Man's Voice" to the verses by A. Akhmatova for soprano and chamber orchestra, "Mourning Mass for I. Stravinsky" ("Elegiac Music") for 4 trombones and 16 strings, "Liturgical Canticles" for choir a cappella after the texts of "Prayerbook", Concerti for choir a cappella (to the poems by I. Severyanin, M. Tsvetayeva, B. Pasternak, A. Pushkin), Concerto for soprano solo and choir a cappella "Elegies" to the poems by A. Akhmatova and N. Gumilyov, Concerto for six winds and percussion "Buffoons", Retro Music for brass quintet, Quintet for winds, 8 string quartets, choral and vocal cycles, ensembles and pieces for different instruments etc.
Yuri Falik was born in 1936 in Odessa. He got his musical education at the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school. While studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities. Falik got his education in the cello class, directed by professor A. Ya. Strimer and by M. L. Rostropovich during the after graduate studying. In 1964 he graduated as a composer from the class of professor B. A. Arapov.
Among the composer's creations there is the opera-buffa "Scapen's Swindle" (after J.-B. Moliere), choreographic tragedy "Orestea" (after Aeshilles), three symphonies for string orchestra and percussian, "Kaddish", "Canto in memoria", Light Symphony, two Concertos for full symphony orchestra (to the legends about Till Eulenspiegel, "Symphonic Etudes"); "Vivat", overture for orchestra, Concerto for violin and orchestra, Concerto della Passione for cello and orchestra, Lyrical Concerto for viola and small symphony orchestra, Chamber Concerto for three flutes (one performer) and Strings, Concerto for hautboy and chamber orchestra, Concertino for bassoon and strings, Mass for soloists, choir and chamber orchestra; "Ringaday", vocal-symphonic cycle for mezzo soprano and full symphony orchestra to the verses by the Russian poets of the 20th century's beginning; Chamber Cantata "Praying Man's Voice" to the verses by A. Akhmatova for soprano and chamber orchestra, "Mourning Mass for I. Stravinsky" ("Elegiac Music") for 4 trombones and 16 strings, "Liturgical Canticles" for choir a cappella after the texts of "Prayerbook", Concerti for choir a cappella (to the poems by I. Severyanin, M. Tsvetayeva, B. Pasternak, A. Pushkin), Concerto for soprano solo and choir a cappella "Elegies" to the poems by A. Akhmatova and N. Gumilyov, Concerto for six winds and percussion "Buffoons", Retro Music for brass quintet, Quintet for winds, 8 string quartets, choral and vocal cycles, ensembles and pieces for different instruments etc.
Юрий Александрович ФАЛИК (1936-2009). Учился в Музыкальной школе имени П. С. Столярского в Одессе. Выпускник Ленинградской консерватории по классам виолончели (проф. А. Штример) и композиции (проф. Б. Арапов). Окончил аспирантуру по классу М. Ростроповича.
Профессор Ю. Фалик вел в Санкт-Петербургской консерватории классы сочинения и инструментовки. Выступал как дирижер в разных городах России и за рубежом.
В творческом наследии композитора представлены произведения самых разных жанров. Многие камерные и хоровые сочинения Юрия Фалика исполняются российскими и зарубежными ансамблями и хоровыми коллективами, симфонические произведения включали в свой репертуар дирижеры Е. Светланов, Г. Рождественский, М. Янсонс, В. Гергиев, А. Дмитриев, В. Ямпольский (США), М. ди Бонавентура (США), Ш. Эдвардс (Великобритания).
Jurij Aleksandrovich FALIK (1936-2009). Uchilsja v Muzykalnoj shkole imeni P. S. Stoljarskogo v Odesse. Vypusknik Leningradskoj konservatorii po klassam violoncheli (prof. A. Shtrimer) i kompozitsii (prof. B. Arapov). Okonchil aspiranturu po klassu M. Rostropovicha.
Professor Ju. Falik vel v Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii klassy sochinenija i instrumentovki. Vystupal kak dirizher v raznykh gorodakh Rossii i za rubezhom.
V tvorcheskom nasledii kompozitora predstavleny proizvedenija samykh raznykh zhanrov. Mnogie kamernye i khorovye sochinenija Jurija Falika ispolnjajutsja rossijskimi i zarubezhnymi ansambljami i khorovymi kollektivami, simfonicheskie proizvedenija vkljuchali v svoj repertuar dirizhery E. Svetlanov, G. Rozhdestvenskij, M. Jansons, V. Gergiev, A. Dmitriev, V. Jampolskij (SSHA), M. di Bonaventura (SSHA), Sh. Edvards (Velikobritanija).
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