"Druhoasyky from 2-A" is a collection of witty stories about the unusual life of ordinary second-graders. The heroes of this book quarrel, seek understanding with peers, invent amazing stories and sincerely...
Everyone can become a princess. On a small planet in a tiny kingdom lives a mischievous Princess. She may cry the flood, dream of being a writer, have a magic wand and will soon go to school. And the girl...
His Majesty has a real commotion at home. The princess wants to know why everyone but their family has names. Her classmates are called: Snow White Gnomenko Seventh, Malyaka Alexandrovna, Petro Pen, Pinocchio...
All the princesses are full of news: the princess fell into hibernation! Therefore, the king announces the action: everyone who pays the contribution will guess the puzzles of the king and will be able...