In the world of mass media: a manual of listening skills development based on the material of the mass media' language (advanced level) Part 1
The materials of the book intends for the foreign students studying mass media. The topics are specified by the actuality and the frequency of the events, lightning up of the mass media. The book aims to widening and systematization of the vocabulary, development the listening, reading and speech skills based on the published texts. The book directs to the Russian students of 1st-2nd level and recommended for the preparing to pass the 2nd certification level of the Russian State testing system of the foreign citizens.
Äänitteitä saa QR-koodilla, joka löytyy oppikirja vuoden 2019 painoksesta ja seuraavista painoksista.
In the world of mass media: a manual of listening skills development based on the material of the mass media' language (advanced level) Part 1
The materials of the book intends for the foreign students studying mass media. The topics are specified by the actuality and the frequency of the events, lightning up of the mass media. The book aims to widening and systematization of the vocabulary, development the listening, reading and speech skills based on the published texts. The book directs to the Russian students of 1st-2nd level and recommended for the preparing to pass the 2nd certification level of the Russian State testing system of the foreign citizens.
Level: B1-B2
Audio materials are available by QR code in textbook edition 2019 and next editions.
Учебное пособие "В мире новостей" представляет собой тематически организованный и методически обработанный учебный материал, предназначенный для студентов-иностранцев, изучающих язык средств массовой информации. Часть 1 пособия состоит из девяти тем, каждая из которых рассчитана на 6-8 часов учебного времени. Выбор тем определен актуальностью и частотностью событий, освещаемых в российских средствах массовой информации. Выбор тем определен актуальностью и частотностью событий, освещаемых в российских средствах массовой информации.
Аудиоматериалы доступны по QR коду в учебнике издания 2019 года и новее.
Uchebnoe posobie "V mire novostej" predstavljaet soboj tematicheski organizovannyj i metodicheski obrabotannyj uchebnyj material, prednaznachennyj dlja studentov-inostrantsev, izuchajuschikh jazyk sredstv massovoj informatsii. Chast 1 posobija sostoit iz devjati tem, kazhdaja iz kotorykh rasschitana na 6-8 chasov uchebnogo vremeni. Vybor tem opredelen aktualnostju i chastotnostju sobytij, osveschaemykh v rossijskikh sredstvakh massovoj informatsii. Vybor tem opredelen aktualnostju i chastotnostju sobytij, osveschaemykh v rossijskikh sredstvakh massovoj informatsii.
Audiomaterialy dostupny po QR kodu v uchebnike izdanija 2019 goda i novee.