Кров, серiйний убивця на прiзвисько Чорний Язик, 267 тисяч доларiв та чесна гра... Ернест Каннiнґем, а також усi члени його родини когось убили, i дехто навiть не один раз. Навiщо? Так склалися життєвi обставини, про якi Каннiнґем детально розповiсть, розплутуючи чергове вбивство. Рiч у тiм, що пiд час сiмейного возз'єднання на гiрськолижному курортi Каннiнґеми знаходять у снiгу замерзле тiло з почорнiлим обличчям. Убивцею може бути кожен. Але хто? Оповiдач, як i обiцяє на початку роману, дотримується "Десяти заповiдей детективного роману" Рональда Нокса. Тож уважно прочитайте їх, якщо маєте намiр встановити особу вбивцi, перш нiж Ернест виведе його на чисту воду. Утiм фiнал здивує вас у будь-якому разi, а химерна iсторiя з майстерно вибудуваним сюжетом, убивчою iронiєю та чорним гумором полонить з перших сторiнок.
Blood, a serial killer nicknamed Black Tongue, $267,000, and fair play... Ernest Cunningham and all his family members have killed someone, and some of them more than once. Why? These were the circumstances of life, which Cunningham will describe in detail as he unravels another murder. During a family reunion at a ski resort, the Cunninghams find a frozen body with a blackened face in the snow. The killer could be anyone. But who? The narrator, as he promises at the beginning of the novel, follows Ronald Knox's Ten Commandments of the Detective Novel. So read them carefully if you intend to identify the killer before Ernest brings him to light. However, the ending will surprise you in any case, and the bizarre story with a skillfully constructed plot, murderous irony, and black humor captivates you from the first pages.
Blood, a serial killer nicknamed Black Tongue, $267,000, and fair play... Ernest Cunningham and all his family members have killed someone, and some of them more than once. Why? These were the circumstances of life, which Cunningham will describe in detail as he unravels another murder. During a family reunion at a ski resort, the Cunninghams find a frozen body with a blackened face in the snow. The killer could be anyone. But who? The narrator, as he promises at the beginning of the novel, follows Ronald Knox's Ten Commandments of the Detective Novel. So read them carefully if you intend to identify the killer before Ernest brings him to light. However, the ending will surprise you in any case, and the bizarre story with a skillfully constructed plot, murderous irony, and black humor captivates you from the first pages.