1. Partituras y libros de musica
  2. Partituras: Instrumentos de cuerda
  3. Partituras: Guitarra
  4. Popular Melodies. Arranged for six-stringed guitar solo

Popular Melodies. Arranged for six-stringed guitar solo

Популярные мелодии. В переложении для шестиструнной гитары соло
Popular Melodies. Arranged for six-stringed guitar solo
Año de publicación
9.00 € 8.18 € sin IVA
Envío: 2 semanas desde el momento de la orden
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Guitar is а wonderful instrument, indeed, for during hundreds of years it has been perpetually occurring at the far corners of the musical main sphere in different countries, meanwhile going on living despite everything. This phenomenon may be explained by different social groups of population to have been discovering necessity in guitar in some particular genre of art. This instrument is able to be'ingenuous and intricate at the same time. Both the aristocratic noble style and the spirit of folk are peculiar to guitar. And at last, nothing, but guitar, is so accessible to just music-lovers, evoking simultaneously such а great interest in the hearts of professionals. Thus the repertoire for guitar continues to be revived, extended and renewed. Nowadays the classical guitar genre is undergoing the kind of its revelation in Russia as if being discovered anew. It's nevermore associates in our mind with only the rock music or bards' songs. The guitar returns to the concert stage. Most of the serious modern composers create not only solo guitar pieces, but also concertos for guitar and orchestra! However, this is really the guitar classics, that is firmly left as the base of any repertoire. These exact pieces are offered to you in this collection. Such compositions use to enjoy their popularity, giving any musician the chance of trying his (or her) skill.
This collection is recommended as the sort of manual for the guitar classes' students of middle and high music colleges, so as for all the music-lovers.


Silent Midnight. Russian folk song
Evening of the Foul Autumn. Russian folk song
My Sweet One. Russian folk song
Golden Heaps. Russian folk song
P. Armand. As the Clouds Overhanging at the City. From "Man with a Gun"
Corn-flowers. Russian folk song
Inside the Low Attic. Russian folk song
Seven-fourty. Jewish folk song
Murka. Urban folk song
Kalinka. Russian folk song
Yu. Boiko. Variations to the Ukrainian and Spanish Themes
Guitar is а wonderful instrument, indeed, for during hundreds of years it has been perpetually occurring at the far corners of the musical main sphere in different countries, meanwhile going on living despite everything. This phenomenon may be explained by different social groups of population to have been discovering necessity in guitar in some particular genre of art. This instrument is able to be'ingenuous and intricate at the same time. Both the aristocratic noble style and the spirit of folk are peculiar to guitar. And at last, nothing, but guitar, is so accessible to just music-lovers, evoking simultaneously such а great interest in the hearts of professionals. Thus the repertoire for guitar continues to be revived, extended and renewed. Nowadays the classical guitar genre is undergoing the kind of its revelation in Russia as if being discovered anew. It's nevermore associates in our mind with only the rock music or bards' songs. The guitar returns to the concert stage. Most of the serious modern composers create not only solo guitar pieces, but also concertos for guitar and orchestra! However, this is really the guitar classics, that is firmly left as the base of any repertoire. These exact pieces are offered to you in this collection. Such compositions use to enjoy their popularity, giving any musician the chance of trying his (or her) skill.
This collection is recommended as the sort of manual for the guitar classes' students of middle and high music colleges, so as for all the music-lovers.


Silent Midnight. Russian folk song
Evening of the Foul Autumn. Russian folk song
My Sweet One. Russian folk song
Golden Heaps. Russian folk song
P. Armand. As the Clouds Overhanging at the City. From "Man with a Gun"
Corn-flowers. Russian folk song
Inside the Low Attic. Russian folk song
Seven-fourty. Jewish folk song
Murka. Urban folk song
Kalinka. Russian folk song
Yu. Boiko. Variations to the Ukrainian and Spanish Themes
Гитара - инструмент удивительный: на протяжении столетий он множество раз оказывался на обочине музыкальных "магистралей" - и никона не умирал. Всегда находился и находится такой общественный слой или такая область творчества, где именно гитара становится самой желанной и популярной. Этот инструмент умеет быть одновременно простым и сложным, аристократическим и народным, доступным любителю и интересным профессионалу. И репертуар для гитары возрождается, расширяется, обновляется.
В России в последнее время, как кажется, открывается заново классическая гитара. Она перестает связываться в нашем представлении только с рок-музыкой или только с авторской песней и снова приходит на концертную эстраду. Лучшие современные композиторы пишут не только сольные пьесы, но и концерты для гитары с оркестром. Однако основой репертуара остается гитарная классика - именно те пьесы, которые мы предлагаем вам в этом сборнике. Они продолжают быть и "любимцами публики", и своеобразным "пробным камнем" мастерства музыканта.
Сборник рекомендуется в качестве учебного пособия студентам гитарных классов средних и высших музыкальных учебных заведений, а также всем любителям музыки.


Тихая ночь. Русская народная песня
Хас-Булат. Русская народная песня
Миленький ты мой. Русская народная песня
Златые горы. Русская народная песня
П. Арманд. Тучи над городом встали. Из кинофильма "Человек с ружьем"
Васильки. Русская народная песня
В низенькой светёлке. Русская народная песня
Семь сорок. Еврейский народный танец
Мурка. Городская фольклорная песня
Калинка. Русская народная песня
Ю. Бойко. Вариации на украинскую и испанскую темы
Gitara - instrument udivitelnyj: na protjazhenii stoletij on mnozhestvo raz okazyvalsja na obochine muzykalnykh "magistralej" - i nikona ne umiral. Vsegda nakhodilsja i nakhoditsja takoj obschestvennyj sloj ili takaja oblast tvorchestva, gde imenno gitara stanovitsja samoj zhelannoj i populjarnoj. Etot instrument umeet byt odnovremenno prostym i slozhnym, aristokraticheskim i narodnym, dostupnym ljubitelju i interesnym professionalu. I repertuar dlja gitary vozrozhdaetsja, rasshirjaetsja, obnovljaetsja.
V Rossii v poslednee vremja, kak kazhetsja, otkryvaetsja zanovo klassicheskaja gitara. Ona perestaet svjazyvatsja v nashem predstavlenii tolko s rok-muzykoj ili tolko s avtorskoj pesnej i snova prikhodit na kontsertnuju estradu. Luchshie sovremennye kompozitory pishut ne tolko solnye pesy, no i kontserty dlja gitary s orkestrom. Odnako osnovoj repertuara ostaetsja gitarnaja klassika - imenno te pesy, kotorye my predlagaem vam v etom sbornike. Oni prodolzhajut byt i "ljubimtsami publiki", i svoeobraznym "probnym kamnem" masterstva muzykanta.
Sbornik rekomenduetsja v kachestve uchebnogo posobija studentam gitarnykh klassov srednikh i vysshikh muzykalnykh uchebnykh zavedenij, a takzhe vsem ljubiteljam muzyki.


Tikhaja noch. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
Khas-Bulat. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
Milenkij ty moj. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
Zlatye gory. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
P. Armand. Tuchi nad gorodom vstali. Iz kinofilma "Chelovek s ruzhem"
Vasilki. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
V nizenkoj svetjolke. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
Sem sorok. Evrejskij narodnyj tanets
Murka. Gorodskaja folklornaja pesnja
Kalinka. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
Ju. Bojko. Variatsii na ukrainskuju i ispanskuju temy
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