"Govorit pogranichnaja strana" is an anthology of new Finnish poetry in Russian, edited by Leevi Lehto and published in connection of a seminar on the theme in Moscow, Sunday, November 30, 2008, starting 4 pm, as part of the Non/Fiction book fair and the program of the Finnish Literary Exchange (FILI) there.
The anthology features work by poets Kari Aronpuro, Mikael Brygger, Tytti Heikkinen, Lassi Hyvärinen, Silja Järventausta, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Leevi Lehto, Marko Niemi, Jyrki Pellinen, and Miia Toivio. There's an introductory essay by Miia Toivio, and the volume ends with Leevi Lehto's 2006 essay "Plurifying the Languages of the Trite" in Alexander Skidan's translation.
"Govorit pogranichnaja strana" is an anthology of new Finnish poetry in Russian, edited by Leevi Lehto and published in connection of a seminar on the theme in Moscow, Sunday, November 30, 2008, starting 4 pm, as part of the Non/Fiction book fair and the program of the Finnish Literary Exchange (FILI) there.
The anthology features work by poets Kari Aronpuro, Mikael Brygger, Tytti Heikkinen, Lassi Hyvärinen, Silja Järventausta, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Leevi Lehto, Marko Niemi, Jyrki Pellinen, and Miia Toivio. There's an introductory essay by Miia Toivio, and the volume ends with Leevi Lehto's 2006 essay "Plurifying the Languages of the Trite" in Alexander Skidan's translation.
Сборник новой финской поэзии на русском языке презентован в Москве на книжной ярмарке Non/Fiction на семинаре "Эхо финского футуризма - Использование инновационных технологий в финской поэзии третьего тысячелетия", организованном по инициативе Finnish Literary Exchange (FILI).
В сборнике представлены поэты Кари Аронпуро, Микаэль Брюггер, Тютти Хейккинен, Ласси Хювяринен, Силья Ярвентауста, Юкка-Пекка Кервинен, Лееви Лехто, Марки Ниеми, Юрки Пеллинен и Мийа Тойвио. Предисловие к сборнику написала Мийа Тойвио, а завершает книжку эссе Лееви Лехто "Множа Языки Заурядного" (2006) в переводе Александра Скидана.
Sbornik novoj finskoj poezii na russkom jazyke prezentovan v Moskve na knizhnoj jarmarke Non/Fiction na seminare "Ekho finskogo futurizma - Ispolzovanie innovatsionnykh tekhnologij v finskoj poezii tretego tysjacheletija", organizovannom po initsiative Finnish Literary Exchange (FILI).
V sbornike predstavleny poety Kari Aronpuro, Mikael Brjugger, Tjutti Khejkkinen, Lassi Khjuvjarinen, Silja Jarventausta, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Leevi Lekhto, Marki Niemi, Jurki Pellinen i Mija Tojvio. Predislovie k sborniku napisala Mija Tojvio, a zavershaet knizhku esse Leevi Lekhto "Mnozha Jazyki Zaurjadnogo" (2006) v perevode Aleksandra Skidana.