In this pioneering examination of the scientific principles behind success, a leading researcher reveals the surprising ways in which we can turn achievement into success.
Too often, accomplishment does not equate to success. We did the work but didn't get the promotion; we played hard but weren't recognized; we had the idea but didn't get the credit. We've always been told that talent and a strong work ethic are the key to getting ahead, but in today's world these efforts rarely translate into tangible results. Recognizing this disconnect, Laszlo Barabasi, one of the world's leading experts on the science of networks, uncovers what success really is: a collective phenomenon based on the thoughts and praise of those around you.
In The Formula, Barabasi highlights the vital importance of community respect and appreciation when connecting performance to recognition-the elusive link between performance and success. By leveraging the power of big data and historic case studies, Barabasi reveals the unspoken rules behind who truly gets ahead and why, and outlines the twelve laws that govern this phenomenon and how we can use them to our own advantage.
Unveiling the scientific principles that drive success, this trailblazing book offers a new understanding of the very foundation of how people excel in today's society.
Часто трапляється так, що освiченi й працьовитi люди залишаються небагатими й невiдомими. Натомiсть їхнi антиподи без червоних дипломiв та тяжкої працi стають заможними й знаменитими. Чому це так? Альберт-Ласло Барабашi протягом багатьох рокiв дослiджував долi тисяч науковцiв, спортсменiв, акторiв - i дiйшов висновку, що все у свiтi пiдкоряється закономiрностям, а отже, успiх у будь-якiй сферi життя можна передбачити i прорахувати. Вiн винайшов формулу досягнення максимуму. Застосуйте унiверсальнi закони Альберта-Ласло Барабашi, щоб вписати своє iм'я до залу слави найуспiшнiших людей цього свiту.
Chasto trapljajetsja tak, scho osvicheni j pratsoviti ljudi zalishajutsja nebagatimi j nevidomimi. Natomist jikhni antipodi bez chervonikh diplomiv ta tjazhkoji pratsi stajut zamozhnimi j znamenitimi. Chomu tse tak? Albert-Laslo Barabashi protjagom bagatokh rokiv doslidzhuvav doli tisjach naukovtsiv, sportsmeniv, aktoriv - i dijshov visnovku, scho vse u sviti pidkorjajetsja zakonomirnostjam, a otzhe, uspikh u bud-jakij sferi zhittja mozhna peredbachiti i prorakhuvati. Vin vinajshov formulu dosjagnennja maksimumu. Zastosujte universalni zakoni Alberta-Laslo Barabashi, schob vpisati svoje im'ja do zalu slavi najuspishnishikh ljudej tsogo svitu.