Slavica Helsingiensia,
published by the Department of Languages at Helsinki University, was founded in 1983. The series includes monographs and collections of articles on linguistic and literary topics.The majority of the doctoral theses prepared in the Department in the field of Slavic languages and literatures have appeared in the series. A certain number of volumes, bearing the sub-heading Studia Russica Helsingiensia at Tartuensia, contain materials from conferences on Russian literature jointly organized by the Universities of Helsinki and Tartu. Further details on the contents of each volume may be found on the website of the series.
ISSN 0780-3281
Данная диссертационная работа посвязена изучению звукоподражательных глагольных междометий русского языка, к которым относятся такие слова, как бац, плюх и звяк.
ISSN 0780-3281
Dannaja dissertatsionnaja rabota posvjazena izucheniju zvukopodrazhatelnykh glagolnykh mezhdometij russkogo jazyka, k kotorym otnosjatsja takie slova, kak bats, pljukh i zvjak.