Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911—1989), professor of the Leningrad (Petersburgian) Conservatoire, opera conductor, having brought up numerous young vocalists, devoted his spare time to piano — his true passion.
That was professor Pavel Serebryakov to have been inculcated thorough piano manner in Bubelnikov during the years of his conservatoire studying in Leningrad. Although his solo piano career was doomed to be left a dream, he was recognized as the skillful, dexterous and subtle participant of different piano ensembles.
These are Bubelnikov's brilliant transcriptions of symphonic and vocal masterpieces for two pianos that may abundantly express his fidelity to the king of instruments.
The piece "Joke" has been enjoying the great popularity since the day of its birth in 1972, being the cream of crops in any piano ensemble's repertoire.
Pavel Bubelnikov
Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911—1989), professor of the Leningrad (Petersburgian) Conservatoire, opera conductor, having brought up numerous young vocalists, devoted his spare time to piano — his true passion.
That was professor Pavel Serebryakov to have been inculcated thorough piano manner in Bubelnikov during the years of his conservatoire studying in Leningrad. Although his solo piano career was doomed to be left a dream, he was recognized as the skillful, dexterous and subtle participant of different piano ensembles.
These are Bubelnikov's brilliant transcriptions of symphonic and vocal masterpieces for two pianos that may abundantly express his fidelity to the king of instruments.
The piece "Joke" has been enjoying the great popularity since the day of its birth in 1972, being the cream of crops in any piano ensemble's repertoire.
Pavel Bubelnikov
Арон Соломонович Бубельников (1911-1989), профессор Ленинградской консерватории, оперный дирижер и воспитатель молодых вокалистов, большую часть своего досуга отдавал фортепиано — инструменту, которому был верен всю свою жизнь.
А. С. Бубельников прошел основательную фортепианную школу в консерваторском классе профессора П. А. Серебрякова. И хотя ему не суждено было стать концертирующим пианистом, в области аккомпанемента он всегда слыл ансамблистом тонким и виртуозным. Несомненным свидетельством его преданности фортепиано явились концертные переложения для двух фортепиано различных симфонических и вокальных произведений.
Предлагаемая концертная пьеса "Шутка", написанная в 1972 году, сразу завоевала интерес и симпатии пианистов и по сей день находится в репертуаре фортепианных ансамблей.
Павел Бубельников
Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911-1989), professor Leningradskoj konservatorii, opernyj dirizher i vospitatel molodykh vokalistov, bolshuju chast svoego dosuga otdaval fortepiano — instrumentu, kotoromu byl veren vsju svoju zhizn.
A. S. Bubelnikov proshel osnovatelnuju fortepiannuju shkolu v konservatorskom klasse professora P. A. Serebrjakova. I khotja emu ne suzhdeno bylo stat kontsertirujuschim pianistom, v oblasti akkompanementa on vsegda slyl ansamblistom tonkim i virtuoznym. Nesomnennym svidetelstvom ego predannosti fortepiano javilis kontsertnye perelozhenija dlja dvukh fortepiano razlichnykh simfonicheskikh i vokalnykh proizvedenij.
Predlagaemaja kontsertnaja pesa "Shutka", napisannaja v 1972 godu, srazu zavoevala interes i simpatii pianistov i po sej den nakhoditsja v repertuare fortepiannykh ansamblej.
Pavel Bubelnikov