Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1754–1812) — the German composer and musical publisher. Among his compositions there are several operas, nearly 70 symphonies and 50 concertos, numerous chamber-instrumental works, so as the songs and arias. Living in Vienna from 1768, Hoffmeister became the principal publisher of W. A. Mozart's creations already during the genius' life. It was in 1800, when the musical publishing house “Bureau de musique” was founded in Leipzig by Hoffmeister together with A. Koonel (in 1814 it passed to K. F. Peters). The publishing house specialized in J. S. Bach's, J. Haydn's, W. A. Mozart's and L. van Beethoven's music. The last years of Hoffmeister's life were given wholly to music creation, but not to commercial affairs. This Concerto is considered compulsory at the viola group contests (so as the Concerto? 1 by C. Stamitz) in the most prominent world orchestras.
The violin solo part is published as the edition by the professor of the St. Petersburg Conservatoire Alexey Lyudevig.
The Concerto is published with the cadenza of Paul Klengel (1854–1935), the German violinist, pianist and composer.
Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1754–1812) — the German composer and musical publisher. Among his compositions there are several operas, nearly 70 symphonies and 50 concertos, numerous chamber-instrumental works, so as the songs and arias. Living in Vienna from 1768, Hoffmeister became the principal publisher of W. A. Mozart's creations already during the genius' life. It was in 1800, when the musical publishing house “Bureau de musique” was founded in Leipzig by Hoffmeister together with A. Koonel (in 1814 it passed to K. F. Peters). The publishing house specialized in J. S. Bach's, J. Haydn's, W. A. Mozart's and L. van Beethoven's music. The last years of Hoffmeister's life were given wholly to music creation, but not to commercial affairs. This Concerto is considered compulsory at the viola group contests (so as the Concerto? 1 by C. Stamitz) in the most prominent world orchestras.
The violin solo part is published as the edition by the professor of the St. Petersburg Conservatoire Alexey Lyudevig.
The Concerto is published with the cadenza of Paul Klengel (1854–1935), the German violinist, pianist and composer.
Франц Антон Хофмайстер (1754–1812) — немецкий композитор и музыкальный издатель. Автор нескольких опер, около 70 симфоний и 50 концертов, множества камерно-инструментальных сочинений, а также арий и песен. Живя с 1768 года в Вене, Хофмайстер стал при жизни В. А. Моцарта основным издателем его произведений. В Лейпциге в 1800 году совместно с органистом А. Кюнелем основал музыкальное издательство “Bureau de musique” (перешедшее позже, в 1814 году, к К. Ф. Петерсу), где выпускал сочинения И. С. Баха, Й. Гайдна, В. А. Моцарта, Л. ван Бетховена. В последние годы жизни отошел от коммерции, посвятив себя творчеству.
Исполнение данного концерта, наряду с исполнением Концерта № 1 К. Стамица, является обязательным на конкурсах в группе альтов крупнейших оркестров мира. Партия солиста публикуется в редакции профессора Санкт-Петербургской консерватории им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова Алексея Владимировича Людевига.
Концерт публикуется с каденцией Пауля Кленгеля (1854–1935), немецкого скрипача, пианиста и композитора.
Frants Anton Khofmajster (1754–1812) — nemetskij kompozitor i muzykalnyj izdatel. Avtor neskolkikh oper, okolo 70 simfonij i 50 kontsertov, mnozhestva kamerno-instrumentalnykh sochinenij, a takzhe arij i pesen. Zhivja s 1768 goda v Vene, Khofmajster stal pri zhizni V. A. Motsarta osnovnym izdatelem ego proizvedenij. V Lejptsige v 1800 godu sovmestno s organistom A. Kjunelem osnoval muzykalnoe izdatelstvo “Bureau de musique” (pereshedshee pozzhe, v 1814 godu, k K. F. Petersu), gde vypuskal sochinenija I. S. Bakha, J. Gajdna, V. A. Motsarta, L. van Betkhovena. V poslednie gody zhizni otoshel ot kommertsii, posvjativ sebja tvorchestvu.
Ispolnenie dannogo kontserta, narjadu s ispolneniem Kontserta № 1 K. Stamitsa, javljaetsja objazatelnym na konkursakh v gruppe altov krupnejshikh orkestrov mira. Partija solista publikuetsja v redaktsii professora Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii im. N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova Alekseja Vladimirovicha Ljudeviga.
Kontsert publikuetsja s kadentsiej Paulja Klengelja (1854–1935), nemetskogo skripacha, pianista i kompozitora.