Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) composed his Concerto 3 for piano and orchestra D minor op. 30 in 1909. The greatest part of its music was created during the summer, spent by Rachmaninov in his estate Ivanovka located in the Tambov Region. It was that exact place, where the composer staid much since his green years. In the end of 1900ies it passed to his domain. As to the Concerto it was accomplished at the time of the composer's arrival to Moscow. Rachmaninov always treated the genre of piano concerto as the embodiment of the most significant instrumental purports.
Сергей Рахманинов (1873-1943) создал Третий фортепианный концерт ре минор op. 30 в 1909 году. Основная часть музыки была написана летом в Ивановке Тамбовской губернии (в этом имении композитор провел немало времени еще в юности, с конца 1900-х годов оно перешло в его владение), завершен концерт в сентябре по приезде в Москву.
Sergej Rakhmaninov (1873-1943) sozdal Tretij fortepiannyj kontsert re minor op. 30 v 1909 godu. Osnovnaja chast muzyki byla napisana letom v Ivanovke Tambovskoj gubernii (v etom imenii kompozitor provel nemalo vremeni esche v junosti, s kontsa 1900-kh godov ono pereshlo v ego vladenie), zavershen kontsert v sentjabre po priezde v Moskvu.