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  4. Pieces by Foreign Composers for cello and piano. Volume I. Piano score and parts

Pieces by Foreign Composers for cello and piano. Volume I. Piano score and parts

Пьесы зарубежных композиторов для виолончели и фортепиано. Ред. А. Лазько
Pieces by Foreign Composers for cello and piano. Volume I. Piano score and parts
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The series of books, "The Cellist's Golden Repertoire", include major works from the world literature for the cello, which are the basis of both performers' and students' repertoires. Alongside the large-scale chamber works for the cello solo and with piano, short concert pieces will be found in the books of the series, as well as piano transcriptions of concertos for the cello and orchestra.
Some works are widely known and have been frequently published before, others are transcriptions which see their first publication.
The editor's purpose was to combine the original directions from the composer with the modern manner of performance. Particular attention was paid to fingering in the works of the student's repertoire.
Beside well-known and published before pieces the book includes undeservedly neglected works as well as quite new and first published ones.
J.S. Bach. Adagio. Transcription by A. Ziloti
G. Frescobaldi. Toccata. Free transcription by G. Cassado
L. Boccehrini. Rondo. Transcription by K. Schroder
C.M. Weber. Adagio and Rondo. Transcription by G. Piatigorsky
F. Schubert. Allegretto Grazioso. Transcription by G. Cassado
J. Brahms. Strict Tune. Transcription by A. Lazko
Ulkolaisten säveltäijen kappaleita sellolle ja pianolle. Toim. A. Lazko The series of books, "The Cellist's Golden Repertoire", include major works from the world literature for the cello, which are the basis of both performers' and students' repertoires. Alongside the large-scale chamber works for the cello solo and with piano, short concert pieces will be found in the books of the series, as well as piano transcriptions of concertos for the cello and orchestra.
Some works are widely known and have been frequently published before, others are transcriptions which see their first publication.
The editor's purpose was to combine the original directions from the composer with the modern manner of performance. Particular attention was paid to fingering in the works of the student's repertoire.
Beside well-known and published before pieces the book includes undeservedly neglected works as well as quite new and first published ones.
Sisällysluettelon voi katsoa
Серия "Золотой репертуар виолончелиста" ставит своей целью публикацию наиболее значительных и интересных произведений мировой виолончельной литературы, составляющих основу современного концертного и учебного репертуара. Это и крупные камерные сочинения для виолончели соло и в сопровождении фортепиано, и клавирные переложения концертов для виолончели с оркестром, а также концертные пьесы малой формы. Помимо публиковавшихся ранее и широко известных произведений сюда войдут незаслуженно забытые и новые, впервые публикуемые сочинения и транскрипции.
Основу позиции редактора в данном издании составляет стремление к гармоничному сочетанию современного исполнительского прочтения произведений с максимальным приближением к авторскому варианту. В сочинениях, находящих широкое применение в учебном репертуаре, особое внимание уделено уточнению аппликатуры с позиций современного виолончельного исполнительства.


И.С. Бах. Адажио. Транскрипция А. Зилоти
Дж. Фрескобальди. Токката. Свободная транскрипция Г. Кассадо
Л. Боккерини. Рондо. Транскрипция К. Шредера
К.М. Вебер. Адажио и рондо. Транскрипция Г. Пятигорского
Ф. Шуберт. Аллегретто грациозо. Транскрипция Г. Кассадо
И. Брамс. Строгий напев. Транскрипция А. Лазько
Serija "Zolotoj repertuar violonchelista" stavit svoej tselju publikatsiju naibolee znachitelnykh i interesnykh proizvedenij mirovoj violonchelnoj literatury, sostavljajuschikh osnovu sovremennogo kontsertnogo i uchebnogo repertuara. Eto i krupnye kamernye sochinenija dlja violoncheli solo i v soprovozhdenii fortepiano, i klavirnye perelozhenija kontsertov dlja violoncheli s orkestrom, a takzhe kontsertnye pesy maloj formy. Pomimo publikovavshikhsja ranee i shiroko izvestnykh proizvedenij sjuda vojdut nezasluzhenno zabytye i novye, vpervye publikuemye sochinenija i transkriptsii.
Osnovu pozitsii redaktora v dannom izdanii sostavljaet stremlenie k garmonichnomu sochetaniju sovremennogo ispolnitelskogo prochtenija proizvedenij s maksimalnym priblizheniem k avtorskomu variantu. V sochinenijakh, nakhodjaschikh shirokoe primenenie v uchebnom repertuare, osoboe vnimanie udeleno utochneniju applikatury s pozitsij sovremennogo violonchelnogo ispolnitelstva.


I.S. Bakh. Adazhio. Transkriptsija A. Ziloti
Dzh. Freskobaldi. Tokkata. Svobodnaja transkriptsija G. Kassado
L. Bokkerini. Rondo. Transkriptsija K. Shredera
K.M. Veber. Adazhio i rondo. Transkriptsija G. Pjatigorskogo
F. Shubert. Allegretto gratsiozo. Transkriptsija G. Kassado
I. Brams. Strogij napev. Transkriptsija A. Lazko
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