KOHTI SUOMI-VENÄJÄ -SUHTEIDEN PRAGMATISMIA EU: n ja Naton itälaajentuminen on aiheuttanut muutoksia unionin ja Venäjän suhteissa. Nämä muutokset heijastuvat myös Suomen ulko-, turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikkaan. Venäjän perinteinen läsnäolon ja yhteistyön dilemma Luoteis-Venäjän alueella puolestaan heijastaa maan Eurooppa-suhteiden historiallista ja käsitteellistä jatkumoa. Uusi teos painottaa jatkuvuuden ja muutoksen vuorovaikutuksen oivaltamista tilanteessa, jossa Suomi on osa EU: ta ja haluaa samalla säilyttää hyvät kahdenväliset suhteet Venäjään. Teos on tervetullut lisä kansainvälisten suhteiden ja Venäjän suhteiden pragmaattiseen tutkimukseen.Edited by Helena Rytövuori-Apunen. Contributors Osmo Apunen Anni Kangas Kari Möttölä Arto Nokkala Sergei Prozorov Helena Rytövuori-Apunen -Edited by Helena Rytövuori-Apunen. The eastern enlargements of the EU and NATO have highlighted change in Russian/ European relations, which at the present time are the primary context for Finnish foreign, security and defence policies. Russia's 'perennial dilemma' of contention and co-operation in her Northwestern rim again represents a trait of historical and conceptual continuity in Russian/European relations. It is also the essential feature in the specifically Finnish tradition of political distinction and foreign relations. This book argues that understanding the interplay of continuity and change in a long-term perspective is essential in the contemporary political constellation in which Finland is part of the EU and European cooperation and seeks to maintain good bilateral relationships with Russia. In the methodological sense, the goal is to develop the pragmatist study of international relations and Russian studies. Contributors Osmo Apunen Anni Kangas Kari Möttölä Arto Nokkala Sergei Prozorov Helena Rytövuori-Apunen
Edited by Helena Rytövuori-Apunen. The eastern enlargements of the EU and NATO have highlighted change in Russian/ European relations, which at the present time are the primary context for Finnish foreign, security and defence policies. Russia's 'perennial dilemma' of contention and co-operation in her Northwestern rim again represents a trait of historical and conceptual continuity in Russian/European relations. It is also the essential feature in the specifically Finnish tradition of political distinction and foreign relations. This book argues that understanding the interplay of continuity and change in a long-term perspective is essential in the contemporary political constellation in which Finland is part of the EU and European cooperation and seeks to maintain good bilateral relationships with Russia. In the methodological sense, the goal is to develop the pragmatist study of international relations and Russian studies. Contributors Osmo Apunen Anni Kangas Kari Möttölä Arto Nokkala Sergei Prozorov Helena Rytövuori-Apunen
Edited by Helena Rytövuori-Apunen. The eastern enlargements of the EU and NATO have highlighted change in Russian/ European relations, which at the present time are the primary context for Finnish foreign, security and defence policies. Russia's 'perennial dilemma' of contention and co-operation in her Northwestern rim again represents a trait of historical and conceptual continuity in Russian/European relations. It is also the essential feature in the specifically Finnish tradition of political distinction and foreign relations. This book argues that understanding the interplay of continuity and change in a long-term perspective is essential in the contemporary political constellation in which Finland is part of the EU and European cooperation and seeks to maintain good bilateral relationships with Russia. In the methodological sense, the goal is to develop the pragmatist study of international relations and Russian studies. Contributors Osmo Apunen Anni Kangas Kari Möttölä Arto Nokkala Sergei Prozorov Helena Rytövuori-Apunen