ЗНАМЕНИТАЯ КЛАССИКА НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. "Мартин Иден" - выдающийся роман Джека Лондона о человеке из низов, простом моряке, добившемся успеха, о поиске места в жизни, муках творчества и муках любви. Герой этого во многом автобиографичного произведения проходит через тяжелые испытания и благодаря упорному труду и необъятной энергии превосходит своих учителей и меняет свою жизнь. Творческий дар становится пропуском Мартину Идену в высший свет. Отныне две цели неотступно стоят перед ним: слава писателя и обладание любимой женщиной. Только мечты непредсказуемы и коварны: неизвестно, когда они сбудутся и принесет ли это долгожданную радость. Martin Eden is one of Jack London's greatest works, a novel about a man of humble origin, a sailor who worked hard for his place under the sun. The novel shows his journey in finding success and his throes of creativity - and of love. The main character of this semi-autobiographical novel deals with though challenges and through hard work and bounds of energy he surpasses his teachers and turns his life around. Martin's gift of creativity becomes his ticket to the life of high society. From now on, his dreams of being a famous writer and having the woman he loves are within his reach. But dreams can be unpredictable and treacherous - one can never know when they might come true, and if they even bring the long-awaited happiness in the end.
ZNAMENITAJa KLASSIKA NA ANGLIJSKOM JAZYKE. "Martin Iden" - vydajuschijsja roman Dzheka Londona o cheloveke iz nizov, prostom morjake, dobivshemsja uspekha, o poiske mesta v zhizni, mukakh tvorchestva i mukakh ljubvi. Geroj etogo vo mnogom avtobiografichnogo proizvedenija prokhodit cherez tjazhelye ispytanija i blagodarja upornomu trudu i neobjatnoj energii prevoskhodit svoikh uchitelej i menjaet svoju zhizn. Tvorcheskij dar stanovitsja propuskom Martinu Idenu v vysshij svet. Otnyne dve tseli neotstupno stojat pered nim: slava pisatelja i obladanie ljubimoj zhenschinoj. Tolko mechty nepredskazuemy i kovarny: neizvestno, kogda oni sbudutsja i prineset li eto dolgozhdannuju radost. Martin Eden is one of Jack London's greatest works, a novel about a man of humble origin, a sailor who worked hard for his place under the sun. The novel shows his journey in finding success and his throes of creativity - and of love. The main character of this semi-autobiographical novel deals with though challenges and through hard work and bounds of energy he surpasses his teachers and turns his life around. Martin's gift of creativity becomes his ticket to the life of high society. From now on, his dreams of being a famous writer and having the woman he loves are within his reach. But dreams can be unpredictable and treacherous - one can never know when they might come true, and if they even bring the long-awaited happiness in the end.