The Deka-VS Publishing House publishes in two volumes (50 and 51) the well-known and popular cycle “40 Songs by Franz Schubert for Piano by Alexander Dubuc” which has long become a rarity. The first 20...
The Deka-VS Publishing House publishes in two volumes (50 and 51) the well-known and popular cycle “40 Songs by Franz Schubert for Piano by Alexander Dubuc” which has long become a rarity. The first 20...
Die junge Mutter
Die Post
Die Sehnsucht
Die Kräne
Am Meer
Die Erwartung
Das Wandern
Das Geheimnis
Auf dem...
Masterpieces of Piano Transcription Vol. 49. Dmitry RATSER. Rachmaninov - Vocalise, Bizet - Fantasia on three themes from the opera "Carmen", Khachaturian - Andante from the ballet Spartak.
Шедевры фортепианной транскрипции. Выпуск 45. Сергей Курсанов. Транскрипции романсов русских композиторов на стихи А. С. Пушкина. Рахманинов, Рубинштейн, Власов, Кюи, Шереметьев, Римский-Корсаков, Ляп...
Фантазия на тему «Песни индийского гостя» из оперы «Садко» Н.А.Римского-Корсакова,
Воспоминания о «Турандот» Дж. Пуччини,
Воспоминания о «Франческе да Римини» С.В.Рахманинова
Данное издание знакомит с различными фортепианными транскрипциями и переложениями Генриха Альбертовича Пахульского (1852-1921) - выдающегося композитора, пианиста, педагога, профессора Московской консерватории,...
The Author’s Preface....................................
F. Liszt. “Lorelei”...............................................
F Liszt. “Fantasy and Fugue on the Choral «Ad nos, ad salutarem undam»..
From the author:
"My work on "Suite fantasy" on music of "Carmen" began with the last part. And entirely all suite was written in 5 years as the plan was constantly in movement, and working was difficult....
"24 prelude-romances" - a cycle of free processing of romances by Rachmaninov and his choir "Now let go of" "All-night vigil" op.37. The style of these transcriptions, improvisational...
Bach: Siciliana. Arr. by Nemirovsky
Bach: Prelude and fuga. Arr. by Busoni
Gluck: Gavotte. Transcription by Brahms
Bach: Largo. Arr. by Saint-Saens.
Bach: Choir. Arr. by Saint-Saens.
Concert transcriptions of P. Pabst from music of P. Tchaikovsky undoubtedly belong to the best samples of this genre. It is confirmed by history, more than 100 years of his imagination and is living through...
1. Im wunderschönen Monat Mai
2. Aus meinen Tränen sprießen
3. Die Rose, die Lilie
4. Wenn ich in deine Augen seh'
5. Ich willl meine Seele tauchen
6. Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome
7. Ich grolle...
Lieder und Gesänge von Robert Schumann fur Ciavier übertragen von Clara Schumann
Schöne Fremde.
Dein Angesicht
Ich wand're nicht.
Der Nussbaum