Лев Михайлович Кириллов (р. 19.10.1947, Туркмения) - альтист, дирижер, композитор, педагог. В 1972 году с отличием окончил консерваторию Ростова-на-Дону, а в 1979-м - аспирантуру Ленинградской консерватории...
ПРОЩАНИЕ. Для альта (скрипки) и фортепиано (посмотреть ноты)
ПРОЩАНИЕ. Для альта и струнного оркестра
ПАНТЕОН. Траурно-героический марш для альта и фортепиано
The violist, conductor, composer and pedagogue Lev Mikhailovich Kirillov was born on October 19, 1947 in Turkmen. He graduated with honours from the Rostov-on-Don Conservatoire in 1972 and completed successfully...
The system of major/minor scales with the 1/2 tone pitch, which I offer here for studying and practicing has three levels of difficulty:
1) 2 octave scales for beginners,
2) 2 1/2 octave scales for...
The violist, conductor, composer and pedagogue Lev Mikhailovich Kirillov was born on October 19, 1947 in Turkmen. He graduated with honours from the Rostov-on-Don Conservatoire in 1972 and completed successfully...
CATHARSIS. Tragical Variations to the Memory of Yu. M. Kramarov
BYLINA (EPIC STORY). Theme with Variations
I. Canon to the Military Theme
II. Stretta
III. Fughetta