1. Noten und Musikbücher
  2. Noten: Streichinstrumente
  3. Noten: Gitarre
  4. Les Illusions non Perdues. Four pieces for six-stringed guitar. For middle forms at Children Music School and Music Colleges

Les Illusions non Perdues. Four pieces for six-stringed guitar. For middle forms at Children Music School and Music Colleges

Неутраченные иллюзии. Четыре пьесы для шестиструнной гитары. Для средних классов ДМШ и музыальных училищ
Les Illusions non Perdues. Four pieces for six-stringed guitar. For middle forms at Children Music School and Music Colleges
9.00 € 8.18 € Ohne MWSt
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Alexander Yasnev (born in 1984) — the graduate of the Musorgsky Musical College where he studied guitar at К. Ilyin. The young guitarist has already made his mark at the international guitar competiton, where he was awarded the title of laureate, and the world composers' contests, where he won the diplomant name.
Yasnev's guitar pieces are distinct for their exremely romantic, improvisational state, being meanwhile so very convenient for playing them. The author himself uttered the following: "These compositions are connected with some exact events from my life. They are penetrated with „Les illusions non perdues”, which undoubtedly support any composer's creation. I’d like to wish you, my interpreters and listeners, to be risen to the bait more often for to stay in blissful reverie. Let it seize your emotions or intellect, let the humour direct your intentions, or let it not, even if no sense of the past time or forces are left for illusion, no vestige, no dust... I mean the star dust".
Alexander Yasnev (born in 1984) — the graduate of the Musorgsky Musical College where he studied guitar at К. Ilyin. The young guitarist has already made his mark at the international guitar competiton, where he was awarded the title of laureate, and the world composers' contests, where he won the diplomant name.
Yasnev's guitar pieces are distinct for their exremely romantic, improvisational state, being meanwhile so very convenient for playing them. The author himself uttered the following: «These compositions are connected with some exact events from my life. They are penetrated with „Les illusions non perdues”, which undoubtedly support any composer's creation. I’d like to wish you, my interpreters and listeners, to be risen to the bait more often for to stay in blissful reverie. Let it seize your emotions or intellect, let the humour direct your intentions, or let it not, even if no sense of the past time or forces are left for illusion, no vestige, no dust... I mean the star dust».
Александр Яснев (род. 1984) — молодой гитарист, выпускник музыкального училища им. М. Мусоргского, лауреат международного конкурса. В последние годы преподает в одной из детских музыкальных школ Петребурга.
Гитарные пьесы Яснева лиричны, мягки по характеру и очень удобны для исполнения. Их образный мир полон сладких, нерастраченных иллюзий. Оттого и названия их столь поэтичны:

Сад Жанны
Хрустальный парусник
Танец с огненным призраком
Пляска св. Витта

Рекомендуется к исполнению учащимися средних классов детских музыкальных школ.
Aleksandr Jasnev (rod. 1984) — molodoj gitarist, vypusknik muzykalnogo uchilischa im. M. Musorgskogo, laureat mezhdunarodnogo konkursa. V poslednie gody prepodaet v odnoj iz detskikh muzykalnykh shkol Petreburga.
Gitarnye pesy Jasneva lirichny, mjagki po kharakteru i ochen udobny dlja ispolnenija. Ikh obraznyj mir polon sladkikh, nerastrachennykh illjuzij. Ottogo i nazvanija ikh stol poetichny:

Sad Zhanny
Khrustalnyj parusnik
Tanets s ognennym prizrakom
Pljaska sv. Vitta

Rekomenduetsja k ispolneniju uchaschimisja srednikh klassov detskikh muzykalnykh shkol.
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