Концерт для скрипки с оркестром Г. О. Корчмара написан в 1968 году. В юношеском сочинении, посвященном талантливой скрипачке и будущей супруге композитора Татьяне Мучник, отчетливо отразились веяния шестидесятых...
IInd Series
Orchestral Compositions. 31st Volume
Scherzo. Op. 1
Theme and Variations. Op. 3
Scherzo. Op. 7
Five Fragments. Op. 42
TWO SCENES from the cartoon "Grandpa and grandson" (1950). Arranged for piano, for voice and piano by Ye. Isayenko
1. Tune. Lyrics by B. Laskin
2. Waltz
LEONID DESYATNIKOV born in 1955) is one of the most oroginal and widely performed among the Petersburgian composers. He is a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory and a member of the Composers Union....
This educational aid is called forth to enrich the repertoire of the ensemble class at school, where the lack of useful and worthwhile music is felt indeed.
Alexander Alexandrovich Alyabyev (1787-1851) was a composer of a highly dramatic fate, best known as the author of vocal music. Among the most famous romances are "The Nightingale" to lyrics by A. Delvig,...
Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1769) was a great German and English composer of the Baroque period. The present collection of small pieces for piano Hans von Bülow (1830-1894), an outstanding German conductor,...
Составитель Т. Ямпольский
В сборник включены "Концертино", а также обработки для скрипки и фортепиано знаменитого немецкого скрипача, композитора и педагога Фердинанда Давида (1810-1873) - И. С. Бах....
The second suite "Silhouettes" was originally written by A. S. Arensky for two pianos, then arranged by the author for orchestra.
This edition presents a four-hand transcription for piano with a comfortable,...
German composer Moritz Moszkowski (1854-1925) made a significant contribution to the development of piano music at the turn of the XIX-XXth centuries. 15 virtuoso studies - the most famous opus in his...
Полное собрание романсов и песен великого русского композитора. Во втором томе представлены три известнейших вокальных цикла: "Детская" на слова самого Мусоргского, "Без солнца" и "Песни и пляски смерти"...
The collection includes concerts by foreign composers of the 18th century: G.F. Telemann, G. Tartini, F. Veracini.
For students of music colleges and conservatories, as well as for concert performers...
Шестая симфония (1893), которую автор считал наиискреннейшей из всех своих вещей, - итог и вершина симфонического творчества Чайковского. "Это трагическая эпопея жизни человека с ее сложными коллизиями,...
В центре симфонии, написанной в 1888 году, - противостояние человека и судьбы, борьба за счастье. Мрачная тема судьбы, с которой начинается произведение, проходит через все его части и преображается в...
Полное собрание романсов и песен великого русского композитора. Первый том включает ранний сборник "Юные годы", ряд песен -"народных картинок", написанных Мусоргским преимущественно на собственные тексты...
The superiority of Prokofiev - а genius screenwriter and piano notation reformer - expressed in three monumental sonatas of 1940-1944 (the Sixth, the Seventh and the Eighth). Не was second to попе of his...
This edition contains three pieces for cello and piano by renowned cello composers: Tarantella by A. Piatti, Caprice by J. Klengel and Hungarian Rhapsody by D. Popper. These works pose difficult musical...
Collected Works. Volume 13. Beatrice. Choreo-symphonic cycliade in five symphonies. After "La Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. For full orchestra. Orchestra score. Dante-symphony No 4, "And of that second...
The Virtuoso Pianist (Le Piano virtuose) by Charles-Louis Hanon, is a compilation of sixty exercises meant to train the pianist in speed, precision, agility, and strength of all of the fingers and flexibility...
Издание содержит мазурки Фридерика Шопена, написанные им в период с 1840 по 1849 год (соч. 50, 56, 59, 63, 67, 68, B. 134, B. 140). К данному жанру композитор впервые обратился в 15 лет и продолжал сочинять...
Цикл из двенадцати миниатюр - вершина фортепианного творчества великого русского композитора Петра Ильича Чайковского (1840-1893). В них тесно переплетаются тончайшая лирика и живая изобразительность....
Piano works undoubtedly dominate in children's music written by S. Slonimsky.
In these pieces the author reflect the world of the modern child with its characteristic emotions, aspirations, observations...
Rimsky-Korsakov's monumental work continues the traditions of the fairytale-epic opera, laid down by Glinka in Ruslana and Lyudmila, and is one of the brightest and most significant works of Russian opera...
This publication uses L. T. Atovmyan's arrangement for piano, that was released for the first time in 1945 by the Musical Fund (re-edited in 1954 by the Musical State Publishing House).
The collection includes well-known works by P. Tchaikovsky: Andante cantabile, Song Without Words, Humoresque, Cradle Song, A Bit of Chopin, Solo from the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty", Waltz from Serenade...
Inspired by the Arabian fairy tales "1001 nights", the symphonic suite "Scheherazade", according to B.V. Asafiev, "still captivates listeners as one of the most charming legends about the East in Russian...
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) - is one of the greatest geniuses in the history of classical music. He does not fall into any style, though formally by his musis features it can be attributed to Wien...
E. M. Timakin is a well-known Russian piano teacher, pupil of K. N. Igumnov, Merited Pedagogue of Russia. His outstanding pupils include E. Novitskaya, M. Pletnev, V. Feltsman, and many others.
This manual...
Сергей Сергеевич Прокофьев (1891-1953), один из крупнейших композиторов XX века. Занимался композицией у Р. Глиэра. С 1904 года учился в Петербургской консерватории у Н. Римского-Корсакова по инструментовке,...