Kylmä sota erotti poliittiset blokit toisistaan ja repi perheitä ja ystäviä esiripun eri puolille.
Poliittisesta vastakkainasettelusta huolimatta monimuotoinen kanssakäyminen jatkui ja jopa kukoisti yli rajojen. Artikkelikokoelmassa valotetaan DDR: n jalkapalloilua, Bostonin sinfoniaorkesterin pioneerikiertuetta Neuvostoliitossa, näyttelyjä, kustannustoimintaa, elokuvaa ja sosialistisen kulutuksen muotoja.
Teos on Aleksanteri-instituutin Kylmä sota -tutkimusryhmän julkaisusarjan esikoisnide.
Mike Dennis
Isabelle de Keghel
Dina Fainberg
Nancy Jachec
Friederike Kind-Kovacs
Andrei Kozovoi
Rosa Magnusdottir
Jonathan Rosenberg
Stephen J. Scala
Tomas Tolvaisas
Winter Kept Us Warm is an exercise in New Cold War history, examining the paradox of cooperation and interaction that took place within that conflict. Human encounters on many levels are recorded; footballers in the GDR, American orchestras and exhibitions in the USSR, Icelandic communists and New York publishers, plus cinema and "socialist"
consumerism are all examined in chapters that inform and complement each other.
An outcome of the Cold War Interactions Reconsidered conference, which marked the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this volume is the first in the Aleksanteri Cold War Series. This book-series is dedicated to providing an arena for new approaches to and fresh interpretations of the Cold War era, and this book is the first volume published in the series.
Mike Dennis
Isabelle de Keghel
Dina Fainberg
Nancy Jachec
Friederike Kind-Kovacs
Andrei Kozovoi
Rosa Magnusdottir
Jonathan Rosenberg
Stephen J. Scala
Tomas Tolvaisas
Winter Kept Us Warm is an exercise in New Cold War history, examining the paradox of cooperation and interaction that took place within that conflict. Human encounters on many levels are recorded; footballers in the GDR, American orchestras and exhibitions in the USSR, Icelandic communists and New York publishers, plus cinema and "socialist"
consumerism are all examined in chapters that inform and complement each other.
An outcome of the Cold War Interactions Reconsidered conference, which marked the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this volume is the first in the Aleksanteri Cold War Series. This book-series is dedicated to providing an arena for new approaches to and fresh interpretations of the Cold War era, and this book is the first volume published in the series.
Mike Dennis
Isabelle de Keghel
Dina Fainberg
Nancy Jachec
Friederike Kind-Kovacs
Andrei Kozovoi
Rosa Magnusdottir
Jonathan Rosenberg
Stephen J. Scala
Tomas Tolvaisas